Saturday, June 20, 2015

Battle of Bekaa Valley Syrian vs Israeli 1982

The Battle of Bekaa Valley is a modern scenario from Battlezones by Bruce Rea-Taylor modified for my rules which are modified Panzerblitz and Modern Combat to use inches instead of hexes.  Below is how the battlefield was set up with the Israelis appearing from the south and the Syrians on the board with reinforcements coming from the North.

Next is the possible Israeli forces certain forces show up automatically and the rest appear as random reinforcements each turn.  The label behind the vehicle shows the unit type and the stats in PB Z format.

Here is the Syrian potential forces they start with a few on board and the rest come in as random reinforcements.

The counters show either the units carried or the artillery rounds available or specialized weapons that have 1 shot capability.

The Syrians were initially set up with a BTR60 company around the town shown below and they had a BRDM2S and a air defense battery on the hills behind the town of a SA-9 and ZSU23-4.

The Israelis moved first and this was their initial move up the road towards the town.

The Syrians reacted by blocking the Israeli observers with smoke.

On the next turn the Israelis got their first reinforcements a pair of Defender helios with TOW missiles and almost lost one to the SA-9 platoon luckily it missed.

During their turn the Israelis tried to pull a surprise thru the smoke and assault the town which failed as the units in the town opened up with the BTR60 and RPG7s and destroyed the M113 before it could deploy its infantry. But the Israelis got some revenge and destroyed the BRDM2S with a good tank shot.

The Syrians on their turn called in artillery fire on the Israelis which will not land until next turn plus some more smoke to block visibility of observers.  Also their first reinforcements show up a company of infantry in BMP1s

During the Israeli turn they react by pounding the town with artillery and gun fire destroying the BTR60 and disrupting the infantry in the village section but their own infantry and M113 are disrupted by the Syrians meaning they can't move or fire until undisrupted and with artillery coming in during the Syrian turn are in trouble.

The assault on the town begins to intensify but the Israelis pushed a M60 a little too far forward and the Syrians were able to disrupt it with a Sagger shot from a BMP1 also more artillery on the infantry outside the town.

Finally the Israelis have cleared out one section of the town and have another disrupted time for the assault but they are losing lots of infantry in the attempt.

The next Syrian reinforcements show up a company of T72s.

And the Israelis occupy part of the town but it doesn't look for long as they are disrupted and the Syrians are ready to counter assault.

A view from the Defender on over watch of the battle in the town.

The Syrians retake one sector of the town and are bringing firepower down on the other.  How long can the Israelis hold on.

The Syrians retake the town and another company of infantry in BMP1s arrives which seals the fate of the Israelis who only have some armor left and no chance of taking and holding the town.

Victory to the Syrians.  This game was fought at our local club meeting on Jun 14th 2015 and fun was had by all.  The terrain is mostly scratch built from foam strips and Styrofoam and the vehicles and palms are from Oddzial Osmy thru Pico armor.  Next scenario will be South Africans vs Cubans coming soon  ---  Gary