Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Battle of Wartenburg Volley & Bayonet 3mm

My newest project the Battle of Wartenburg on 13 Oct 1813 in 3mm for VnB at 1/2 scale.  This is a action between Prussians and France and her Allies the Italians and Württemberg.  Here is the board setup it is 2x3 feet in size.  The objective of the Prussians is to capture all three towns for a major victory and at least two for a minor.  The towns are at the bottom left Bleddin, at the top Globig and on the right Wartenburg with the Prussians entering on the bottom right roads.

Here are the Prussian forces.  The dice show the unit strength and also are a quick identifier by color of the unit functions.  White dice are normal infantry, artillery or cavalry,  green show skirmishers, blue show shock troops and yellow indicate militia.  From left to right the 1st Brigade, 2nd Brigade, 7th Brigade and the 8th Brigade.

And these are the French and Allies.  From left to right the 12th Div, the 38th Div and the 15th Div.

This is the game ready to setup the on board forces and start the first turn.

Here's the initial French setup, the overall look, then the 12th Div (French) setup around Wartenburg, the 38th Div (Wurttenburg) setup around Bleddin and the 15th Div (Italians) setup around Globig.

The game starts with the Prussians entering the board on the 0700 turn with the 2nd Brigade (equivalent size to a French Div).  It is slow moving as they have to maneuver thru the marsh.

The French tried to open fire with their artillery but it was out of range on to the next turn.  The Prussians continue to advance with the 2nd Brigade throwing their skirmishers out to protect the advance of the infantry.

And the first causalities are inflicted.  One Prussian skirmisher is lost and the French artillery in front of the town takes a hit.

The French on their turn take out two skirmisher stands.

0900 and Prussian reinforcements arrive the 1st Brigade and the Corp Commander while the 2nd brigade moves toward the French 12th Div.

Combat and the Prussian are able to destroy the French artillery across from them.

On the French turn one Prussian Brigade fails its morale and is damaged and disordered and the last of the skirmishers are destroyed while the Prussian grenadier brigade is almost eliminated by the return French musket fire.

Here is the end of the Prussian 1000 turn the 1st Brigade is still advancing against the Wurttenburg Div and the 2nd Brigade failed on its attempt to cross the stream and is exhausted but the 7th Brigade has just entered the board.

Next up the conclusion of the action.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

1st Day of Gettysburg in 3mm at Kublacon

I ran two games of Gettysburg at Kublacon and both went very well and fun was had by all.

The first game was on Saturday afternoon.  It was on a 6x9 foot board with about 700 stands of figures fought using the Volley and Bayonet rules at full scale.  The objectives of the game were control of Gettysburg and Cemetery ridge

Here are the forces involved and the board setup:

The initial union setup with Buford's cavalry division awaiting the Confederate arrival and the 1st division of I Corp moving up in support.

The Confederate brigades of Heth's division advancing on the union with a brigade of cavalry moving to outflank them.

The first attack on the cavalry brigade fails to force the cavalry off the ridge line.

And the union cavalry charge in and force another brigade to rout throwing the confederate advance into confusion.

The union had delayed the confederate advance enough so they fell back on Gettysburg with the infantry moving thru the town to setup a defense north of the town.   But the confederate reinforcements came in at just the right place and was able to catch the union brigade in route march just coming out of the town causing them to rout back.

This is the view of the overall battle just before the union brigade was routed back thru Gettysburg.  The confederates hold the left and bottom and union reinforcements are arriving in the top right.

Both sides are getting ready for the battle for the town.

The confederates make the first assault but the union are able to force them out of the town so it is still contested while the union reinforcements threaten the confederate flank.

And the union are able to disrupt the confederate forces east of the town and once again were able to destroy the confederate brigades that were trying to take Gettysburg.


In the next turns both sides setup facing each other in front of Cemetery Hill.

The confederates assaulted both flanks with significant losses to the union included a Corp (Doubleday) and a division commanders lost in the fight.

But they hold as the confederates have no fresh forces to exploit the losses and the union are able to once again defeat a brigade in Gettysburg while XII Corp advances to support the defense.

It is looking desperate for the confederates as the union is forming a solid battle line behind Gettysburg and may be able to retake the town for a complete victory.

But the confederate reinforcements from Anderson's division arrive at just the right time and are able to keep the union from retaking the town thus the battle ended as a draw with a good time had by all.

It took about 2 hours to setup the battle and we were able to fight it to a conclusion in 6 hours with a 30 minute dinner break.   Next up the same battle fought on Sunday but with a different conclusion.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

3mm Gettysburg Preparation for Kublacon

Here are some board tryout pictures for my Gettysburg game I am putting on at Kublacon this weekend.  This is a one quarter view of the board all I can fit in my gaming area for the Con it will be a 6' x 9' area.  Also a couple of pictures of a regiment passing thru Gettysburg.

Will post pictures of the game from Kublacon hopefully next week.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

15mm Zombies and Civilians

Here are a couple of pictures of my zombies and civilians.

More to come.