The British columns trying to close with the French and Spanish line and the lead ships taking a pounding. Royal Sovereign was the first ship lost striking her colors.
HMS Africa caught by herself at the end of the line and battered into submission by the French and Spanish van.
The British lines contact the French and Spanish line with the Victory in the middle of it and starting to take significant damage but also inflicting damage on the surrounding enemy ships.
The Victory is on fire and finally sinks along with a French ship the only two to sink in the game.
The beginning of the end for the French and Spanish chances for a victory. The wind changed to the South putting almost the entire French and Spanish line into stays and multiple ships were crippled and striking their colors.
Final shots of the mixed up action when the British tried to break the line and the confusion that surrounded this action. We played the game in 4 hours with a slight victory going to the British. The hex map is from Monday Knight Productions a 4 x 6 foot felt with 2" hexes. The larger ships were from the game Merchants and Marauders and the rest of the ships were from Amazon a plastic ship set where you get 72 ships for $30. A great deal.